[大师访谈]Lowden代言人Jon Gomm登上Guitar Interactive杂志封面

Jon Gomm成为首个登上《GI》杂志封面的原声吉他手


Lowden代言人Jon Gomm在《Guitar Interactive》杂志采访现场弹奏“Topeka”

Jon Gomm becomes the first acoustic guitarist to get a GI cover. Watch our exclusive videos and you’ll very quickly understand why. Oh yes… and he has a brand new signature Lowden guitar too, which was just another reason to ask one of today’s finest guitarists and songwriters back to GI’s studio. Gary Cooper explains.

如果您看了上方采访时的Jon Gomm 弹琴视频,就不难理解为何Jon Gomm成为了首个登上《Guitar Interactive》杂志封面的原声吉他手。没错,他非常优秀,而且还拥有一款个人签名款Lowden吉他。所以我们特意邀请这位当今顶尖的吉他手以及创作歌手来到杂志录音室接受采访。

‘Jon Gomm is the first acoustic guitarist to make the cover of Guitar Interactive – and we offer absolutely no apologies for that. Jon is a remarkable player with an astounding technique which will inspire and enthral, whatever style or kind of instrument you personally play (and it’s worth remembering that Jon himself started out playing electric solid bodied instruments).

Jon Gomm是第一位登上《Guitar Interactive》杂志封面的原声吉他手,我们对此决定感到非常满意。Jon的吉他技艺精湛,无论你弹奏的是何种乐器哪种风格,都会从他的演奏中获取灵感,并深深沉醉他所创作的美妙音乐中。(值得一提的是,Jon本人一开始弹奏的是实心电吉他。)

His technique comes with a high cost, though, as anyone who has seen him play will realise. His beloved Lowden, 032C, Wilma, bears the scars of a thousand performances and there has always been a question over how long the venerable instrument could take the punishment. The answer? Why, a new Lowden, of course. As you’d expect, it’s not exactly your run of the mill acoustic guitar, as Jon explained when he visited us at the GI studio.

任何看过他弹奏的人都会明白,他精湛的技艺必定出自苦工。他称自己那把心爱的Lowden 032C吉他为Wilma,依稀可见上千场演出在这把吉他上所残存的弹奏痕迹,让人不禁暗自捏了把汗,不知这把珍贵的吉他还能承受多久岁月的摧残。不过解决方式很简单,当然就是一把新的Lowden。而不出意料的是,他的新吉他也大有来头,Jon来杂志录音室接受采访时,也就这个话题聊了聊。

I urge GI readers who aren’t already familiar with Jon’s work to visit his website and see for themselves how his approach to playing has developed and opened-up new stylistic possibilities. There is a lot more to Jon’s playing than can be covered by the catch-all phrase ‘percussive acoustic’.


As a general style it has been in danger of becoming almost a cliché in the past few years, with many YouTube players using Flamenco-like techniques coupled with a flurry of lift-offs and hammer-ons to make what, in some cases, is disappointingly little more than pleasant, slightly tinkly, elevator music. That’s certainly not something you could accuse Jon of! To start with, is a superb songwriter too and uses his advanced techniques to give life and huge dynamics to his songs. Just as with electric guitarists, technique alone isn’t enough – there has to be music there at the root for the technique to enliven, not the other way around!


Ladies and gentlemen – the unique Mr Jon Gomm.

独具魅力的Jon Gomm先生。

Jon has lessons, too, about the ability musicians have today to reach huge audiences without getting snared by record companies, publishing deals and the management ‘issues’ that have blighted many a career. Using the power of the Internet to spread his message, Jon has videos online with starship mileage numbers of views. Anyone wondering how to take a career in music to the next stage is definitely recommended to take a look at his website to study how he works with his audience. It’s an object lesson in the way in the 21 st century a musician can take control of his or her own career.


So whether you are ordinarily a fan of acoustic guitar or not, sit back and listen to someone who has genuinely taken guitar playing in a new direction. Ladies and gentlemen – the unique Mr Jon Gomm.

无论您是否是原声吉他爱好者,都应该坐下来安静欣赏一下这位将吉他演奏发展出新方向的吉他手。欢迎大家关注独具魅力的Jon Gomm先生。



Author: 吉他平方 编辑部