德国 Hughes&Kettner Red Box 吉他音箱模拟前级DI

美豪音乐集团吉他平方官网 Guitar Square (Mega Music Group) Official > 产品评测 > 德国 Hughes&Kettner Red Box 吉他音箱模拟前级DI
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德国 Hughes&Kettner Red Box 吉他音箱模拟前级DI


The Red Box 5 is the latest version of the award winning speaker simulation, now with new filtering options for small/large housings, modern/vintage speakers, and loose/tight response of the cabinet.

Red Box 5为获奖的扬声器模拟的Zui新版本,并带有针对小/大箱体,现代/复古扬声器及松散/紧密箱体响应的全新过滤选项。




The Red Box does not sound like a mic’ed cab, it sounds like the cab itself! Thanks to this clear, direct sound, a Red Box will endear you to every seasoned PA tech and studio engineer. And the secret behind many of today‘s best sounding guitar tracks is, that they are double-tracked with a microphone and a Red Box, or that the pure Red Box signal is run through microphone- and room emulating software plug-ins. This enables a perfect mix of ambience and ultra-direct attack.

Red Box的音色与带麦克的音箱不同,其音色与音箱并无二致!得益于其清澈的直连音色,Red Box让您与经验丰富的PA技术人员和音响师更进一步,当今众多动听的吉他曲目背后的秘密就在于其采用双轨,搭配麦克和Red Box,或是连接麦克和室内模拟插件的纯净Red Box信号。



Author: 吉他平方 编辑部